Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Dear friends: The children performed two more times this month. On the 4th we were at Maras , a small village famous by its salt mines. We arranged with the principals of the 3 schools there to gather all the children in one of the schools to see the show. There were around 400 children from two primary schools and one high school. The Mayor of Maras supported us with the transportation of actors and props.
On the 5th our children had a show for 750 students from a high school in Urubamba named General Ollanta. There were also 75 more children coming from a small rural school near by supported by the ducht Foundation Arco iris. The Foundation provided also the transportation for the actors to Urubamba round trip from Umasbamba.
Both were very good shows though seems to be that the children feel more comfortable with big audiences!
Our goal this year is to do the next show in Aguas Calientes, the town close to Machu Picchu, so the children could have the opportunity to visit the place. Any donation will be use for this purpose.
Thank you!

 Very happy after the show

 Some fun before going back home

The youngest and the oldest of the group

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