Tuesday, April 20, 2010


After a first week of training we have the new cast for the artistic tour out of the community this year and the children are very excited about that.

We worked 6 days with 4th, 5th and 6th grade providing lunch each day.

The children are already familiarized with the work after the last 2 years working at the school.

We will need just one more week for the rehearsals and we will be ready!!!

These are the 4th graders in their first day of being part of the Intiqchurinkuna experience!

We never wore a mask before!

Celia picking up the tapers after lunch.

Getting ready for the show the last day

Our sound engineer

Last rehearsal before the show

The art director giving us instructions after the show.

Thank you Francisco! He is one of our friends who support this project.